Parent Teacher League:
Parent Teacher League is a support group for Trinity. It provides educational opportunities for parents and fund-raising activities to support the school.
All parents who have children enrolled in our school are members of PTL.
PTL holds monthly meetings for the purpose of fostering a closer relationship between teacher, parents and congregation in an education atmosphere.
It is hoped that a better understanding and interest between parent, teacher and child might be reached through PTL activities.
PTL Activities:

Trinity's nut sale has been a successful annual fundraiser helping pay for much needed school items such as ipads, smart screens etc. Nut sales begin the end of September and end mid-October. Transportation of the product, organizational ability to sort orders and motivating students are the keys to making this fundraiser a success!
Grandparents Day & Book Fair
Annually, Trinity honors the Grandparents of our students with Grandparents Day. This is a special time when grandchildren get to "share" their learning skills and abilities with their loved ones. Also, this event is typically shared with the Scholastic Book Fair. Organizing the book "store", signing up book fair cashiers, and cleaning & repacking the bookfair are all part of the duties of this committee.

Thanksgiving Lunch
A day to give thanks for all of God's blessings is celebrated through this event. Trinity hosts an annual Thanksgiving lunch for the students' families and friends in the school basement before the Thanksgiving holiday break. Students make decorations and dessert while parents sign up to provide food and organize the feast.
Carnival/Fun Day
A Carnival or Fun Day ends the school's fundraising season. Typically held in March/April, this day employs all of the parents working together to "host" this large family oriented event. Committee members are in charge of identifying a theme and location, organizing games, sign-up lists, site layout and decorating. Along with organizing and stocking prizes and sometimes refurbishing/creating new games.

The yearbook is a year long gathering of photos from all of the school events and organizing them into a "memory book" that each student can be a part of and reflect on. Yearbook members and/or older students organize the layout of the book, obtain donations to help defray costs, and publish the final book.