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Trinity Women's Missionary League


The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

 Continue to stay strong in His Word, encourage one another, help each other as you can, pray with one another - living each day serving your Lord and Saviour in (JOY and) GLADNESS!

LWML Jan 2022 (1)
We Gather Together May 2021
Heather Meyer - Haiti Ministry 2021

2023-2025 LWML Mission Goal:

$47,000 for Ephphatha Luther Mission Society, which is dedicated to serving and supporting the deaf and hard of hearing community.


The KS Mite Box update  (2024-2026)- $5000 to Concordia Theological Seminary Food Coop in Fort Wayne, IN.


Your MITES helped make this happen.



LWML 2024-2025

Growing in God's Grace

Our theme ​"Growing in GOd's Grace" ​will be shared with the ladies of Trinity. 

How can we help them in their faith walk, encourage them, be a buddy or a mentor, find ways to involve them in Church life? Look beyond what we have done in the past to endeavor to keep LWML alive in the hearts of all our sisters.





The survey is available here , in the Vineyard, and on the credenza. Once completed, please put in the LWML box on the credenza or leave in the church office. 


Prayerfully consider volunteering for at least one of the Committees. These Committees will be a vital part in reaching out to all women of Trinity.

Your comments, ideas, etc are so very much appreciated!




June 25-29– “Growing in God's Grace" Omaha, NE













Officers are: Sharlene Book - President; Katie Wilson,-Treasurer, Sharlene Book-Esther Circle Chair (meets 2nd Tuesday at 9am), Catherine Shiever-Joanna Circle Chair (meets 2nd Thursday at 2pm), and Diane Glasgow-Ruth Circle Chair (meets 2nd Monday at 6:30pm). Our thanks to each one of these ladies for giving of their time and talents!

LWML Events


Orphan Grain Train Needs

H.E. laundry detergent, baby wipes, cloth diapers, 9-12 month sleepers (with feet), men’s clothing, household items, bath towels, pacifiers, Bibles, school supplies and baby bottles. We will have a box in the Narthex to collect items.

LWML Links:

Contact Us!

910 Mound St. Winfield, KS

Pastor:  Seth Meyer

Assisting Capacity Pastor:
Christopher Warneke

Principal:  Chris Dehning

Church: 620-221-9460

School: 620-221-1820

Trinity Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school administered programs.  

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